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We’d like to begin our first article of 2020 by declaring a huge Happy New Year to all of our Luxe Designers readers. May your very own roaring 20’s be full of laughter, love and of course, a little razzle dazzle.

It might seem a little bit cliché, but the start of the year always feels like a proverbial clean slate. That’s why we’re always more inclined to go for that run at the ‘start’ of the morning, or we’re going to proceed with that diet we read about at the ‘beginning of the month’. If these are anything to go by, the start of a new year essentially wins the crowning glory for new beginnings.

At the beginning of the year it can be easy to set ourselves unrealistic goals, goals which we struggle to meet and then mar our abilities to further succeed in that field. To give you an example:

*Tia wants to save £5,000 in three months

After two months Tara only has £1,500

Frustrated with her progress, Tara irresponsibly spends the £1,500 moving further from her goal*

We’re sure you get the idea.

If you’re looking for realistic and sometimes subtle ways to go through the year, we’ve outlined three things to do and three things not to do to, to make 2020 your best year yet.

DO establish a self care routine

 However you define self care, it’s important to establish good methods of caring for yourself for your overall wellbeing. Whether it’s a complete overhaul of your lifestyle like changing your diet, exercising more, a killer beauty routine; or just making time for things you enjoy – it’s important.

Life is hard enough and there are countless excuses as to why you can’t do that one thing for yourself, sound familiar? Make doing things for yourself a priority in 2020, please!

DO be more spontaneous


It’s very easy from an outsiders perspective to tell people to be more spontaneous. Juggling finances, a career, a family and everything else in life will often inhibit us, albeit slightly.

We are only inhibited by our own minds, being spontaneous doesn’t always have to mean a last minute 5 star break to the Maldives; sure it’d be nice – but it’s not always realistic. Pack some sandwiches and take a train to a new destination, take a leisurely walk around your nearest nature spot – the possibilities are endless.

DO that thing you said you were going to do

 We’ll keep this one short and sweet. We all have that one, niggling thing that we’ve been promising ourselves to do since forever. You owe it to yourself to do that thing, however big or small – not only for your state of mind, but to get off to a successful and productive year.

DON’T sweat the small stuff


I’m sure we’re all guilty of this at times. If there’s a ‘don’t’ that should be at the top of everyone’s list – it’s this one. If it’s out of your control – don’t sweat it. If it makes you stressed, anxious or overwhelmed with negative emotions – throw it in the bin (hypothetically of course).

Life is too short to keep people around who don’t make you feel whole, it’s also too short to for actions that don’t make you feel fulfilled. It’s easier said than done understandably, but your wellbeing is is the most important thing.

DON’T ignore your passion

Whether it’s singing, riding a unicycle no handed or becoming a pro makeup artist, if you have a passion; pursue it – you’ll thank yourself later.

Why deprive ourselves of things that naturally make us happy? We aren’t by any means telling you to quit your day job and pursue that a full time career as a monkey whisperer, start small with an evening class perhaps? Whatever your passion is, do more of it in your leisure time. It’s good for the soul.

DON’T be tempted back to toxic people


Again, this does seem like a suggestion that’s easier said than done. You’ll live a much happier and healthier life with the absence of toxic people in your life. If you’ve already made your 2020 chop of your friends lists and have finally blocked your ex from calling – see it through.

If you’ve decided to stay away from certain people in your life because they aren’t good for your energy, leave it there. You can love people from a distance, without them encroaching on your personal journey or inhibiting your progress.

Make 2020 your best year yet.

Photo Credit –

Written byBrijiena Lovelace E-commerce writer at The Mirror Online


The post Three do’s and three don’ts for 2020 appeared first on Luxe Designers.

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