We’re all clearly not taking the return of winter well, but honestly speaking – winter blues are completely a thing.

Have you ever noticed in the summer you might let’s say, spring out of bed; but in the colder months, you feel way more lethargic and inclined to just stay in bed? Well you’re not alone, Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, affects more than two million of us in the UK and is characterised by low mood, trouble sleeping and concentrating.

Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to stay in bed Netflix’ing your way through winter, until it finally decides to warm up. There are however, steps you can take in order to boost your mood and give you an energy kick.

If you feel like your symptoms are profound, of course you should always consult with your doctor first. If you’re just feeling less like yourself and are looking for natural and simple solutions to banishing the funk – below are five tips to get you started.

Vitamins & Food

 Be it cliché, but what you put into your body, is heavily dependent on what your body will give to you – say it again! If you want energy, fuel your body with the best possible ingredients.

The best thing about foods and vitamins are you can go completely natural. There are a range of vegan-friendly vitamin options and of course, a whole host of yummy winter recipes you can find online that don’t require meat. If you do want some meat, white meat and fish are easier to digest and will reduce lethargy.

Vitamin D is probably the vitamin buzzword and is highly recommended for treating SAD. A lack of sun in the UK means we are more susceptible to deficiencies. A vitamin D supplement will help to support cardiovascular health as well as regulating mood.



It’s no secret that come the chilly winter evenings, a lot of us are running home to snuggle up warm with a good book. Whether you enjoy fantasy reading or you’re more of a true-crime thriller person – immersing yourself in a good book is an instant mood lifter

If you don’t always have the time to sit down with a novel, you can listen to podcasts or audio books; which are perfect for long, busy commutes with no hands free!



Okay, so it’s not the top of everyone’s list – but we’re sure you’ve heard time and time again, exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy, the end.

Whether you want to go all out with a gruelling HIIT session, or you want to chill out more with a yoga class, find an activity to best suit you. Getting your limbs moving will not only give you more energy, they’ll improve your mood and even give you a better night’s rest too.

Do something good


Doing something nice for other people always makes us feel good inside and when we feel good inside – it reflects on the outside! Even if it’s only a small gesture, it’s the thought that counts and you could end up making someone else’s day as well as your own. Here are a few examples of things you can try now:


  • Ringing loved ones you haven’t spoken to in a while for a chat
  • Donating used clothes to charity or clothes banks
  • Volunteering for a cause you’re passionate about
  • Write a letter to a family member, friend or pen pal
  • Buy something sustainable/ethical including clothes or homeware

Crank the volume



Sometimes a good dance, or belting out your favourite cringey tunes from the noughties are all you need to let off some steam. Research continues to show that listening to a favourite song or watching a great movie can boost your mood, well after it’s finished.

Even more of an excuse to have a private disco or Netflix binge – perfect.

Beat the winter blues this winter and beyond with our top five. You can also follow our blog for more fashion, lifestyle and wellness tips.

 Photo Credit –

Written byBrijiena Lovelace E-commerce writer at The Mirror Online


The post Beating the winter blues: 5 top tips appeared first on Luxe Designers.

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