From a childhood in laid back, California to an adventure across the pond, eventually settling in London. How it all started? From as far back as I can remember, I always had a love affair with gorgeous leather handbags.

However often discouraged by the quality of inexpensive bags and the outrageous prices of designer “Made in Italy” handbags. I set off to design and manufacture my own label of handbags and offer customers the chance to carry luxurious leather bags that are unique and not worn by everyone!

Featuring great designs at affordable price points, avoiding the traditional huge mark ups. (You are welcome)!!  

A blend of elegance and impeccable quality paired with sleek and structured lines to carry out your life in style! Our handbags are made by skilled Artisan’s in a small workshop our bag collections are made in small batches that sell out Reducing Waste.

“I create my bags from the notion of developing a well-edited line of fashionable, but not “trendy” handbags. By designing styles that will be as relevant tomorrow as they are today”. Margaret xx

Sustainable Sourcing
Ethical Manufacturing
Traceable Fashion
100% Made in Italy


Nice to meet you! Join the mailing list for private sales and free giveaways. Margaret xx
