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You may think it is funny, but sometimes the situation of having “nothing to wear” to go out may become a serious problem and affect our mental health.

Perhaps each of us had a so-called “bad outfit” day. It is not about looking bad or unstylish. It is about the day when you wake up in the morning and rush so much because you couldn’t decide which clothes to put on. Thus, you end up wearing something that you don’t like, you are less confident, what also affects your mood for the rest of the day. Have you ever had that day? No? Lucky you! Although, this happens for the vast majority of women from time to time. It is not just a small, frivolous problem. It can really negatively affect our mental health and even cause anxiety.

It turns out that the first reason for this is having too much choice. It applies to many fields. For instance, if you have too many books to choose from, you may end up reading nothing. It sometimes happens to me when it comes to choosing a movie to watch on Netflix. There is so many of them that I cannot decide which one I want to watch this time. Then, I fall asleep because I already spent so much time on looking for the movie. It is exactly the same situation with fashion and choosing the perfect outfit. However, instead of simply falling asleep you go to work or for the party in a bad mood.

‘It’s the ‘more is less’ theory, that when we are faced with too much choice, our already-overloaded brains simply get stressed and it leaves us feeling more concerned about choosing an outfit than liberated by the variety. In fact, a fairly minimal, capsule type wardrobe is probably the ideal to make us more satisfied and less anxious’, explained Jo Hemmings, Behavioural, Media and Celebrity Psychologist and Dating Coach in the interview with Penny Goldstone for Marie Claire magazine.

She also prepared two useful tips for us that can literally save our days. We want to be confident and wear clothes that we like and feel beautiful in, right? What should we do then?

  1. Start with organizing your wardrobe by types and colours. Separate trousers from dresses, dresses from t-shirts and t-shirts from blouses. Then, put them in the colour order. So for example, black dresses together, white t-shirts next to it and colourful blouses on another pile.
  2. Organise your mind. Prepare the outfit in the evening before. Choose every piece of the look, from underwear to shoes and accessories and put it out on the chair or on the hanger. Decide what are you going to wear and never change your mind. This will certainly help you when rushing in the morning. Not only you will save some time but you will feel better (what can also positively impact your effectiveness at work).

Don’t let your clothes rule over your mind and mood. You can improve your level of happiness by simply following the two steps mentioned above.

Written by: Amelia Krzapa • Editor-in-chief • AIM Magazine 

The post I have nothing to wear. Can this situation cause anxiety? appeared first on Luxe Designers.

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