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Lock-down is seemingly coming to an end and we are all starting to feel the lack of motivation. Procrastination has become our best friends and now we need to come out of it. Summer is still in play, but it’s good to start somewhere, especially with all this free time on our hands. These are a few tips and simple tricks to get back to either a “routine” or even just to start feeling more organised and active. 

Start a Bullet Journal

Bullet Journals are a great way to not only get your creative juices flowing, but it keeps your brain engaged and it means you can set up your agenda however you want.

The Bullet Journal is an analog system that was created by Ryder Carroll, a New York-based designer. As he has previously stated:”The Bullet Journal is meant to help you track the past, organise the present and plan the future”.

There are no rule to bullet journals. You set it up how you please, whether that be with water colour drawings or artsy designed, it’s your journal so go crazy with it.

If you don’t know where to start you can either watch YouTube tutorials to better understand how to use the dots, organise it and design it (Here attached is a link to a video you can watch: on the other hand, you are looking for inspiration, Pinterest is the perfect place for you to get ideas on how to set up your Bullet Journal according to your taste. For example, you can include a sport log, a water intake log or even a meal idea page for when you don’t know what to cook.

Take up a new Sport or Gym Class

It’s time to spice it up. Let’s face it we are all getting tired of the at-home workouts, yes they have been great and have kept us busy, but when the gyms open up why not try something new?

If you want you can even take on a new sport right now. Tennis clubs are now fully open and whether you played in the past or have never played it’s a fun way to get your daily exercise in.

If sports aren’t for you, why not consider taking on a challenge, like run a half a marathon by the end of the month, or run two miles in under 10 minutes.

You could even start dancing classes online or through YouTube videos. Some examples of people you can watch are MadFit ( dance classes, or

The Fitness Marshalls ( These are all simple ways to change up your everyday physical activity and still have fun with it, especially after these past weeks of groundhogs day.

Redecorate your Space

Redecorating is so fun and therapeutic. There is a beauty in changing up space and giving it a different look and feel according to how you have changed. And let’s be honest we have all grown and changed throughout this Lock-down, so why not accept it and show it in your new style. Maybe you want to stop being a hoarder and make your space more modern and minimal. Vineyards, industrial-looking lamp shades, black frames, black details and black coloured chairs :


Maybe you want to accept your nostalgia for the past and give your space a more retro vibe. You’ll need fuzzy rugs and pillows, a white clothing rack, gold coloured cabintes or mirrors, and neon signs:

Or maybe you want to have a very “Pinterest Looking” space. With pillows, comforters, Polaroids, Neon signs or fairy-lights and various decoration:


It’s your room, so go wild and pick a style that feels suits you. Or better yet choose a different vibe per room, make the most of this free time. If Lock-down has taught us anything, it’s that having a nice space definitely makes you feel better.

Wake Up Early

I’m the first to admit Lock-down has played with my time schedule. But, it’s time to take control and get back into the habit of waking up early. This gives you so much more extra time in the day to get things done. You can meditate and workout as soon as you wake up and that sets you up to be motivated for the rest of the day. So set you 11 alarms for 6 or 7 AM, and get up and going. It’s hard but you’ll feel a lot better once you get back into it.


Now, I know what you are thinking… How is Meditation going to stop me from procrastinating? It just will.

Studies have shown that meditation not only helps decrease with stress and anxiety but it will increase your happiness, improve your emotional health, enhance your self-awareness, lengthen your attention span, it could even reduce you age-related memory loss and improve you sleep (

Meditation is a great way to take time to yourself and focus on you without interruptions. It can be done anywhere and you can do it on your own or follow a podcast or video, it’s your time so you can pick and choose what feels best for you. Some prefer to do it in the morning to prepare themselves for the day; while others prefer to meditate in the evening to let go of all the stress of the day before getting into bed. Choose a time of the day and stick to it, the more you do it the more benefits you will feel in the long run.

These are perfect and simple hacks to get back to “post Lock Down routine”, without being excessive or drastic.

They are maintainable throughout the year and are a great way to pick yourself up from these last few months and start fresh.

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