Sustainable Sourcing | Ethical Manufacturing | Traceable Fashion | Affordable Luxury

Despite the fact we’ve all technically been living under a rock (in our homes) for the past two years, it’s a little bit hard to shy away from the buzzword of the moment it seems - sustainability.

From conversations about fast fashion to the deplorable plastic crisis, more of us are starting to think about little ways in which we can serve a bigger purpose for ourselves and the world.

Sustainability in the simplest say means ‘able to be maintained’. This can mean anything from the packaging to the elimination of harmful transportation processes and luckily, many brands are jumping on board with some of these earth-saving ethoses.

At the start of April, it was also announced that the cost of living is set to rise in many ways for Brits from travel costs, to energy prices and even our essentials. With this in mind, we’ve thought about some sure fire ways to keep your costs down as well as your carbon footprint, which is ultimately better for us all.



The beauty industry has been one of the first to put sustainable practices into campaigns, along with new product ranges. Nowadays you’ll find a lot of liquid products in aluminium/glass containers that are also refillable, making for super easy refills on your favourite products.

 Some simple swaps for beauty maintenance can include bamboo-made toothbrushes, silicone face brushes, face cloths made from organic and ethically sourced materials and more.

 Another useful swap that’s actually better for your skin (and the planet) in the long run is eco-friendly beauty products, or products that don’t contain harmful chemicals.

 Some not so friendly ingredients to watch out for include parabens, sulphates and scarily enough formaldehyde. These harsh chemicals can be found in everyday products including toothpaste, hair treatments, shampoos, lipsticks, nail varnishes and much more.


The term refers to a popular tactic in the clothing industry, where retailers replicate styles seen on catwalks and on celebrities and creating them to supply to customers in demand. The problem with this is many of the clothes are poorly made, either using cheap fabrics or unethically sourced fabrics, whilst often underpaying the people responsible for making them.

 Understandably, this causes a world of ethical issues, the most notable being modern day slavery and the fact that many of these ‘fast fashion’ clothes end up in landfills or oceans in underdeveloped countries.

 A useful swap you can make in this regard is to buy from sustainable brands. As a consumer you can also check out the ethos of the company you’re buying from, find out if they give back to good causes, or if they have a plan to reduce their carbon footprint now or in the future.



Whilst vegan sofas are already a thing, yes really, many might struggle to buy completely sustainable pieces for their home all at once, as prices tend to vary on household items.

 But even around the home there are still some useful tips you can follow for a more sustainable way of living.

 For example, if you regularly like to decorate your home with flowers instead of opting for fresh blooms, why not go with the hugely popular (and sustainable option) of a dried bouquet instead?

 An equally as good option is to opt for products that are made from recycled materials, so it’s almost as if you’re giving something a new lease of life. You can always attempt to recycle your own goods too. Instead of throwing away that old TV stand, can it be painted, polished or pruned to take it from ‘drab to fab’?


Photo Credit – Dr John La Puma, Philadelphia Magazine, Ala Hausse, LoveProperty

Written by Brijiena Lovelace ~Consumer Writer for The Mirror Online. 


If you’re up to date with beauty trends and the ever exciting world of fashion, you’ll probably have already heard the term ‘fast fashion’.

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